AdvisorRoadmap™ Virtual Training Platform
Elevate Client Value. Grow Your Business. Be a Fiduciary.
“Wow…I can’t believe you’re giving all this away for $900! It’s really WAY too cheap, but I’m glad I got in before you figured that out and raised the price to what it’s actually worth.” – Charles T.
<strong><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-style: italic; color: #228b22;">Next Step - Join the AdvisorRoadmap™ Virtual Training Platform <br/><br/>Enroll Before Timer Hits 0 & Receive The Super Bonuses!</div></strong>
$2,460 Value for only $900!
1. The POWER SESSION with Bill Bachrach
Recorded 75 – 90 minute online consultation, personally, one-on-one, with Bill.
- What’s important to you?
- What are your goals, personally and professionally?
- Where are you now and where do you want to be in 15 crucial success metrics?
- What are your obstacles?
- What are your biggest and best opportunities?
- Ideas to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be so you finish 2019 strong!
*You get the recording of this meeting plus the documents used to facilitate this powerful coaching session.
In addition for Joining the AdvisorRoadmap™ Virtual Training Platform before the timer hits 0, you’ll also receive:
2. 25 Financial Road Maps shipped to your door to kick-start your results ($30 value)
3. Copy of the Values-Based Financial Planning Book ($30 value)
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Enroll Now as an AdvisorRoadmap Member
AdvisorRoadmap™ with Super Bonuses
$2,460 Value for only $900!
- Instant access to the entire Values-Based Financial Planning turn-key business model
- Training courses, scripts, demonstrations, and interactive real-world practice
- Interactive weekly lessons
- Monthly Success Webinars with Bill Bachrach
- Monthly Podcasts from industry experts
- High-Value Article Vault
- High-Content Video Vault
- Keynote speech videos
- Advisor 24/7 FAQ database
- Daily motivation and accountability
- Community of like-minded financial advisors
- Advisor Forums
- Preferred pricing on live workshops
- Preferred pricing on accountability coaching
<strong><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 30px; font-style: italic; color: #228b22;">Enroll Before Timer Hits 0 & Receive The Super Bonuses!</div></strong>
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